UAE suspends visa-on-arrival temporarily for passengers from India

UAE suspends visa-on-arrival temporarily for passengers from India

 UAE suspends visa-on-arrival temporarily for passengers from India

UAE has suspended visa-on-arival for the passengers from India temporarily,  people who have stayed in India From last 2 weeks will not be able to access the facility of "visa-on-arival". 

These rules are also applicable for people from countries like  Uganda, Bangladesh, Nigeria, Nepal, Afghanistan, Pakistan, South Africa, Sri Lanka, and Namibia, among other countries. 

Those passengers who are travelling to UAE should carry a COVID-19 negative rapid PCR test report.

United States eased the travel restrictions for India last week as  the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)  lowered India to "Level 2: Moderate," and United Kingdom also moved India from  "red" to "amber" list earlier this month. The United Kingdom has been segmenting list as "red","amber","green" on the basis pandemic situation in the country.

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