Will humanity survive?

Will humanity survive?

Will humanity Survive? 

Climate Change

 Somehow we have already heard or read about climate change in our school, college, offices, internet, but have we ever gave this sentence a much importance? have we ever thought about this that whether it is matter of concern? No, many of us have just ignored this. But why we so? The answer is that it's a needy thing and people ignore those things which are needy or demands some sacrifices. Is human self centred or selfish that they can't even save the thing which is a home to only Intelligence life in this whole universe. The Home which gives Humans their status of humans, the home of 7 million species and many more yet to be discovered. When humans became so selfish that they can't even make a small changes in their lifestyle so that their home can be saved? When our personal family members suffers from fever we take care of them and nurture them to become healthy once again just like that our Home Earth just needs a little care because It's also suffering from fever and it's increasing year by year. We need to to take care of this or else the end is near!!! 

Climate Change is a very serious concern for Earth Life and eventually to the life of Human Beings. Every Person present on earth should be concern about this matter and should take steps in solving this huge problem. 

We should make aware other people about the Climate Change and our Article is one of them. So before going to talk about Climate Change we need to understand certain things like Green House gases and Green House Effect. 

For a Habitable Planet where Cellular life can exist, there are certain requirements, they are-

1.Liquid Water 

2.O2 Gas

3.Suitable Temperature


From the above requirements, one of them is Suitable Temperature because we need a little warm temperature to survive because extreme cold and extreme warm temperature is not habitable and all the life forms will get extinct. This habitable temperature is maintained by Green House Gases by performing the phenomenon known as Green House Effect. Green House gases are Carbon Dioxide(CO2), Methane(CH4), Water Vapour(H2O), Nitrous Oxide(N2O), and some artificial Chemicals such as Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). CO2 is in maximum amount in the atmosphere, It is about 80% , CH4 is about 10%, N2O is about 7% and the rest fluorinated gases are 3%. 

Green House Effect

When sunlight reaches the atmosphere the Green house gases trap it and prevent it from escaping the atmosphere and reflect it back to the Earth thus making the temperature warm upto 33°C this phenomenon is known as Green House Effect. This Green House Effect is useful for the life to survive on Earth but also it is the main cause of Climate Change. You will wonder how it is effecting the Climate change? The things is that, anything which is more then it's limit is harmful, so in the same way we humans by burning fossil fuels, cutting down forests and farming livestock are increasing the Green house gases and in turn these gases are trapping more sunlight and hence ultimately increasing the Earth's Temperature and causing the Climate Change. 

Impacts Of Climate Change

Climate Change is not a myth but it's a danger outside your door. Climate Change is not all about the melting of glaciers but it's about many things which is going to make your life hell and the reason behind it is none other than you people only humans. Since the industrial revolution, people are continuously increasing carbon emissions into the atmosphere. No one would have thought that their burning of fossil fuels would have an almost immediate terrifying effect on the climate in early days of industrial revolution. The Arctic and the Tropical region were the first region to get warm. The southern hemisphere began to warm much later. The reason behind delay in warming the southern hemisphere is still not fully clear. Ocean of southern hemisphere could be holding back warming - partly from currents and wind or maybe because of "thermal inertia" by which heat energy is absorbed by ocean far more than atmosphere or land before it's temperature noticeably increases as the southern hemisphere has more ocean mass than north.

Many of us still think that human's are not the culprit's of climate change and it's a natural phenomenon but according to Integovernmental Panel on Climate Change(IPCC) we people are the main reason behind this climate change Or gloabal warming. Now the question will arise in your mind what is IPCC? So here is the answer to your question-

What is IPCC? 

1.IPCC is a forum of scientist's, every few years,they produce assessment reports that are the most comprehensive scientific evaluation of the state of Earth's climate. 

2.In 1988 it was set up by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and United Nations Environmental Programme(UNEP), the IPCC does not itself engage in scientific research, instead it asks scientists from around the world to go through all the relevant scientific literature related to climate change and draw up the logical conclusion. 

3.Since 1990 five assessment reports have been produced. The first assessment was came out in 1990,the fifth one was released in 2014 in the ran up to the climate change Conference in Paris. Last Month the IPCC released the sixth assessment report (AR6). The two remaining reports would be released next year. 

Some of the earlier reports of IPCC concluded that

(I) From 1900 only we have increased 1.1 degrees of temperature. 

(ii) In 2014 Paris Agreement it was said that by 2040 we will touch the mark of 1.5°C to 2.0°C.

But According to IPCC's latest report in the next 20 years only we will increase 1.5°C and will reach the mark of 2.7 degrees by 2100 only. In India it will be worse because they will touch the mark of 4.4°C.

There are many Anthropogenic influence-

(1)Carbon Emission-Since the Industrial Revolution humans have increased the green house gases by burning the fossil fuels. 

(2) Deforestation- For Infrastructure Development we have started to convert miles of Forests into Barren Land by which we are not only decresing the amount of Oxygen (O2) but also increasing the amount of CO2. Deforestation also makes the soil infertile and causes land slides and floods. 

(3) Plastic Wastes- By the time we are sticked to Plastic equipment and this played a major role in the impurity of River and Sea Water. But the accumulation of plastics also caused the Extinction of many marine life. The Grabage which comes from our home contains maximum amount of Plastics and by burning them we are increasing the carbon emissions and making the Breathable air impure. 

(4) Melting of Polar Caps- By all the above human influence, it causes the melting Polar Caps and Galciers which is increasing the Water level of River and seas.One Day many of the continents will submerge in water. 

A quote by IPCC which proves it "It is indisputable that human activities are causing climate change,making extreme climate events, including heat waves, heavy rainfall, and droughts, more frequent and severe". It provides clarity on the future of the Planet. 

Impact On Country Economy

This Climate Change is going to have severe effect of the economy of various countries all over the world. 

(1) Sudden uneven changes in weather across across different countries. 

(2) Sudden Flash Floods in driest of Places. 

(3) With every 2° Rise in temperature, the crop yeild declines by 15%-17% .North India state Such as Harayan and Punjab, so as a result wheat and rice price will increase. 

(4) The vegetable and Crops price will increase drastically. 

(5) Water Crisis-Most of the water comes from melting glaciers,and by the climate change it makes the water impure, which will lead to shortage of clean water and will increase the price of drinkable water. 

As per Germenwatch, India suffered loss of 38$ billion in 2018 alone due to climate change. In the next decade climate change could reduce India's GDP by 5%.

"The issue of climate change needs to be taken serious needs to be taken seriously ".Take action now or be ready to spend 3% of GDP to tackle climate change in the future as much as our expenditure on education".

After this all question arises that how to save the Earth how to protect it from climate change. So there are some preventions, strategies and measures that should be taken by everyone on the Earth-


(1) The first and the most important thing is to make other people aware about the climate change make them udnerstand that how their small measures can save our future and the coming generations. 

(2) Raise your voices and make your voices heard by Politicians because Politicians are the roots of all this they are just money blinded persons they only know how to make other people fight among themselves to gain votes. Give your votes to right politician who can take measures on this social issues. 

(3)Use of Renewable sources of energy like wind, geothermal, solar. By prohibiting the use of Non-renewable sources of energy, we are one step towards saving the Earth. 

(4)Instead of using Cars and buses prefer walking for a short distance journey. It not only makes you fit but also will decrease the carbon emissions. 

(5) Save Water because in the coming time we will face the water crisis, so it's better to save water from now onwards.

(6) Increase Reforestation by planting more trees it will not only increase the O2 but also will decrease the CO2 level. The tree roots also keeps the soil together and hence prevent from soil erosion, land slides and floods. 

(7) Use paper bags instead of plastics because it plastics take hundreds of years to degrade whereas the period of paper bags is less. 

(8) Use less electricity as much as you can because still there are some places that uses coals for production of electricity. 

By taking all the above measures it can make changes in temperature of climate.

At last the only thing we can conclude that climate change is as danger as cancer.

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